Police Department

403 North Huron Street
PO Box 39
Cheboygan, MI 49721
Ph: (231) 627-4321
Fx: (231) 627-7990
Animal Control: (231) 238-8221

 Police Department Staff

Position Name
Chief Scott Rifenberg
Lieutenant Ron White
Sergeant Dan Loder
Ordinance Enforcement Officer
Patrol Officer Bret Auger
Patrol Officer Grant Spray
Patrol Officer Jordan Mutschler
Patrol Officer Joseph North
Patrol Officer Kennedy Duvall
Administrative Assistant Brenda Temple

The Cheboygan Police Department is responsible for a wide variety of services to Cheboygan residents and visitors 24 hours, 7 days a week. Officers are scheduled to maintain continual coverage. The Administrative Office is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., except on holidays. Gun permits can be issued from 10:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. If no one is in the office, please use the phone outside the door to contract central dispatch. Central will send an officer to assist you.

Location: The Cheboygan Police Department is located in the City Hall/Opera House facility on the corner of Huron and State Streets.

Get Your Crash Report

Frequently Asked Questions

FILING A POLICE REPORT: How do I file an accident or incident report?

Other than persons who come to the office to report a minor traffic offense, citizens of Cheboygan are requested to dial 911 to report any type of accident emergency or non-emergency. Our office does not staff office personnel twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week; therefore, it is important that persons wishing to contact police, ambulance or fire service dial 911. To file hit and run accidents or minor complaints, you may do so at the Cheboygan Police Department during normal business hours between 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Fridays.

POLICE REPORTS: How do I obtain a copy of an accident report or police report?

Accident reports may be obtained at the Police Department office at the cost of $5.00 per report. Additional pages beyond two (2) are $.25 per page. Incident reports can be obtained from our department when the compliant is closed and arrest or prosecution has occurred. Those reports are $5.00 for the first two (2) pages and $.25 per page for additional pages.

CASE STATUS: How do I find out the status of my case?

If your case is a state misdemeanor case or a felony case, you can contact the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office at 231-627-8450 or the 89th District Court at 231-627-8809.

FINES and CITATIONS: What is the fine on traffic or ordinance violations?

These fines are set by the 89th District Court. Amounts of fines may vary from time-to-time as set by the Judge. Traffic citations normally are issued with a fine schedule being issued to the violator with a listing of current fines. You may find out the cost of a traffic ticket or ordinance violation ticket by calling the 89th District Court at the Cheboygan County Building at (231) 627-8809.

PPO: Where do I apply for a Personal Protection Order?

The necessary paperwork for a Personal Protection Order can be obtained at the County Clerk/Register’s Office located in the Cheboygan County Building at 870 South Main Street. PPOs do not require you to retain an attorney. There is no fee for the service; however there is a fee for service of the PPO upon the individual named in the order. If you have questions or would like additional information, please call the Clerk/Register’s Office at (231)627-8820.

CCW: How can I obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon?

Paperwork can be obtained at the County Sheriff’s Department.

GUN REGISTRATION: Where can I register a hand gun?

Cheboygan residents who have lived in the city for at least six (6) months and have no criminal record, may obtain a permit to purchase and register the firearm at the Cheboygan Police Department. To obtain a purchase permit, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age if buying from a private owner or twenty-one (21) years of age of buying from a dealer. You must purchase the weapon within ten (10) days of receipt of obtaining the purchase permit. You must complete the necessary paperwork and have the gun inspected at the CDPS office. There is no charge for a purchase permit or a handgun inspection.


If you will be out of town for a few days or an extended period of time and wish extra patrol of your property, you can come to the CPD office and fill out a property inspection form. Bring with you the name, address and telephone number of the person(s) having access to the premises during your absence and dates you will be away.

Ordinance Information

Grass and Noxious Weeds: Chapter 95, Section 95.04 of the City Ordinances (Grass and Noxious Weeds) requires that property owners keep their lawns and property neat and trimmed throughout the growing season. Vacant properties are required to have grass and weeds cut 50 feet from all property lines. Penalties for noncompliance may include the issuance of a citation and subsequent fine or the city may have the property mowed and place the cost for this on the property tax roll.

Disorderly Conduct/Noise: Chapter 95, Section 95.03 of the City Ordinances prohibits persons from playing loud vibrating music from motor vehicles. Other sections of City Ordinance and State Statute prohibits the playing of home stereos and recording devices in a loud manner, which would disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.

Construction Noise: Construction noise is permitted only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, unless a permit is obtained.

Inoperable Motor Vehicles: Chapter 94, Section 94.02 of the City Ordinance requires that all unlicensed, uninsured and/or inoperable motor vehicles or parts thereof be removed from private properties within the city or store inside.

Rollerblading, Skateboarding and Bicycling: Use of skateboards, roller-blades and other wheeled devices is prohibited on all city sidewalks in Cheboygan where signs have been erected prohibiting such coaster wheeled devices. Coaster wheeled devices are not permitted on Main Street (M-27) from the southerly side of State Street (US23) from the easterly side of “B” Street to the easterly City limits. Rollerblading and skateboarding are permitted in the Ink Rink Pavilion parking lots and the city owned parking lot at the corner of Division and Huron Streets after 5:30 p.m. or when the lots are empty. Citizens are permitted to use bicycles, roller-blades, skateboards, etc on the sidewalks in residential neighborhoods; however they are advised to yield to pedestrian foot traffic. Bicycles are prohibited on downtown sidewalks and where posted.

Signs: Business Signs/Permits are required for business signs in accordance with Chapter 154 of the City Zoning Ordinance. In short, this states that all new business and/or existing businesses adding new signs or changing existing signs are required to obtain permits at City Hall. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary signs, permanent signs, ground signs, wall signs, windows signs, etc and also includes banners. Free standing (sandwich board signs) are prohibited on sidewalks.

Yard Sale/Other Signs – the City of Cheboygan Nuisance Ordinance Section 95.02 (T) prohibits the erection of any type of sign or banner within any portion of the right-of-way (generally 33 feet from the center of the roadway). This prohibits the posting of signs on any power or telephone pole or off premise postings. Persons wishing to advertise garage sales should do so through the local media and with a sign posted on that person’s property or on the property of another with written permission. Yard or garage sale signs are not permitted for longer than seven (7) days in any 90-day period.

Snowmobile Permits: Operation of snow mobiles on city streets is prohibited without a permit except on designated snowmobile routes. There is no charge for a permit. Snowmobile route maps are available at the CPD office or on the trails.

Snow Removal: Parking on city streets is prohibited from 2:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. between the dates of November 1st and April 30th for purposes of snow removal. Violators will be ticketed.

Fee Schedule Adopted by City Council 02/23/2005

Fee Pricing
Police/Fire Reports $5.00/first 2 pages; $.25 per additional page
Police/Fire Photos $5.00 each
Police Videos $50.00 each
Parking Lot Fees Resident Non-Resident
Day $5.00 $10.00
Week $14.00 $28.00
Month $35.00 $55.00
Yearly $150.00 $200.00

No overnight parking without a permit. Permits can be obtained at City Hall or after hours at the CPD office.

89th District Court Fine & Cost Schedule

The schedule of sanctions on the back are provided for the convenience of motorists who wish to:

  1. Admit responsibility and submit payment by mail, in person or through an attorney for a civil infraction violation or;
  2. Plead guilty by mail to a misdemeanor offense for which a personal appearance is not required.
  3. Points cannot be reduced or deferred. They are preset by the State.

Read the Back of Your Citation Carefully. Payment by mail must be by Money Order or Certified Check payable to the 89th District Court. No out-of-state checks. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Do not send cash.

Sign your ticket on the back and mail it with your payment to the address below. The signed ticket and payment must be received by the court within 15 days from the date the ticket was issued. Failing to do so will result in late charges and a suspension of your driver’s license.

If you have questions you may call the Court between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Court Address: 89th District Court, P.O. Box 70, Cheboygan, MI 49721
(231) 627-8853 or (231) 627-8874