Zoning & Planning Departments
Daniel Sabolsky, City Manager – dsabolsky@cheboygan.org
Alexandria Martin, Executive Assistant – amartin@cheboygan.org
Ph: (231) 627-9931
Fx: (231) 627-6351
About the Planning & Zoning Department
The City of Cheboygan Planning and Zoning Department administers provisions with the City Code of Ordinances with regards to land use and development. Ordinances in this regard regulate the type of uses allowed on land based on their proposed use.
The Zoning and Planning Departments administer planning and development for land use/zoning ordinances. It also provides the following:
- Site Plan Coordination
- Issuance of Zoning Permit Applications
- Issuance of Sign Permit Applications
- Answers Zoning Ordinance, Site Plan Ordinance and Sign Ordinance questions
The Zoning Administrator also provides staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a five (5) member board appointed by the City Council to hear and rule on zoning variance requests and appeals. One member of this Board is also a member of the Planning Commission. The Mayor also sits on this Board. The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, depending on business to be conducted.
Planning Commission
The City’s Planning Commission is a seven (7) member board appointed by the City Council. One member of this Commission is also a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. This Commission has the duty to perform review of the Land Use Master Plan, site plan reviews, review requests for rezoning of property, review Capital Improvement Plan, review requests for alley and street vacations, and make recommendations to the City Council on these matters. Planning Commission meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, depending on business to be conducted.
Planning Commission Annual Report July 1 2021-June 30 2022
The following are the fees established by the City Council as of January 14, 2025:
Accepted Forms of Payment
- Payment Drop-Box/Mail: A drop-box is available at City Hall for payments. Please place your check, cash or money order in an envelope and place it into the drop-box. If you have any questions please contact City Hall at (231) 627-9931.
Check, cash and money orders can also be mailed to:
The City of Cheboygan
P.O. Box 39
Cheboygan, MI 49721
- Front Desk: Check, cash, money orders, and credit card payments for development fees can be accepted at City Hall at 403 North Huron Street. City Hall is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Credit Cards: Credit cards are accepted in person and by telephone. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are all accepted. There is a 3% processing fee and a $2 minimum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of construction requires a zoning permit?
All types of construction including new construction, additions and accessory buildings such as garages and pole buildings require a Zoning Permit before a construction permit can be acquired from the Cheboygan County Construction Code Department. Porches, decks & small storage buildings also require a Zoning Permit.
Why do I need a Zoning Permit?
A Zoning Permit is required so that the City is assured that you will perform your construction within the setbacks established by Ordinance. Also, a building permit for your project will not be issued by the County of Cheboygan’s Construction Code/Zoning Department without an approved Zoning Permit from the City of Cheboygan.
What type of information will I need to present on the Zoning Compliance Application?
You will need your name, address, phone number, along with the use of the proposed construction project will serve, such as a new home, garage for residence, addition to home, etc. You will also need to provide a site plan drawing which will indicate the size of the property, distance of the construction from the road or street, side property lines, rear property lines and distance to any other existing buildings.
Can I discuss my proposed plans with officials in the Planning and Zoning Department before I can formally submit an Application?
Yes, especially with regards to larger commercial developments a pre-application meeting is encouraged.
What can I do about neighborhood Code violations?
The City of Cheboygan enforces its Zoning Ordinance through a Code Enforcement Officer within the Police Department. Concerns with regards to zoning violations can be directed to the Planning & Zoning Department or the Police Department.
Do I need a permit to install a sign?
A sign permit is required for:
- All new signs
- Structural changes to existing signs
- Message changes to existing signs
- Relocation of existing signs
- Banners (allowed only temporarily for 30 days maximum)
How much square footage am I allowed for my sign?
According to City Ordinance, the allowed square footage for a sign is according to the zoning district you are located in.