Court Street Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Replacement Project

This serves as a notice to the public that the City of Cheboygan is improving the roadway and utility infrastructure on Court Street, Pine Hill Avenue, Loomis Street and Filmore Street during the upcoming Court Street Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Replacement Project. A significant portion of the Court Street Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Replacement Project is being funded by an SRF (State Revolving Fund) grant through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) that has been awarded to the City of Cheboygan.

The Project will include roadway reconstruction, sanitary sewer replacement, water main replacement, and storm sewer work along Court Street from Watson Street to South Huron Street and along Pine Hill Avenue from Loomis Street to Court Street. The project will also include water main replacement, partial roadway reconstruction and an HMA Mill and Overlay of Loomis Street from Pine Hill Avenue to Court Street and along Filmore Street from Seymour Street to Court Street. The work being completed will provide residents with an improved sanitary and water system, as well as an improved roadway surface and drainage. J & N Construction will be the prime contractor performing the work.

Please see the attached exhibit to reference the phases and detours mentioned in this memo. Please note that the Project Schedule is tentative and subject to change due to circumstances such as weather and construction progress.

J & N’s tentative construction schedule is to construct Phase 1 of the project starting on Monday, August 14, 2023, and ending Phase 1 in early October 2023. Phase 1 includes all work taking place along Court Street from Watson Street to Western Avenue, Pine Hill Avenue from Loomis Street to Court Street, and Loomis Street from Pine Hill Avenue to Court Street. The Phase 1 detour will be utilizing Levering Road/State Street and Western Avenue to bypass the road closure within the Phase 1 project limits. During the closures, the Contractor will work with any residents within the closure to ensure that their driveway access is maintained.

J & N’s tentative construction schedule is to construct Phase 2 of the project starting in October 2023, and ending either in November, or the following spring of 2024. No construction activities or detours will be taking place after November 15, 2023 until the following spring when weather permits. Phase 2 includes all work taking place along Court Street from Western Avenue to South Huron Street, and Filmore street from Seymour Street to Court Street. The Phase 2 detour will be utilizing M-27, Lincoln Avenue and Loomis Street to bypass the road closure within the Phase 2 project limits. During the closures, the Contractor will work with any residents within the closure to ensure that their driveway access is maintained.

Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. has been retained by the City to provide construction observation and administrative services. A representative from HRC may be in contact with you if you live within the project limits.

Thank you for your cooperation in improving the infrastructure of the City of Cheboygan.

Posted on August 10th, 2023 in Announcements.