Member Needed

The Cheboygan Library Board has an open seat on its Board of Members. Interested residents must have the ability to meet monthly, be residents of the City of Cheboygan and be willing to serve a three-year term. Meetings are typically held the second Thursday of the month beginning at 9:00am. The members of the Cheboygan Library Board govern the Library and aid it in serving its mission to improve community members’ quality of life by supporting their efforts to enhance knowledge, realize creative potential, and share stories and ideas. Members uphold the Library’s values and commitments to intellectual freedom, universal access, innovation and providing a great experience for all members of the community while also providing fiscal and policy oversight. If you feel you could be an asset to this board, please complete the City’s Board and Commission Application available at City Hall or here (Board and Commission Application). Please submit applications to our City Clerk via email at or by mail: PO Box 39, Cheboygan MI 49721.The deadline for applying is June 22, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Posted on May 31st, 2023 in Announcements.