Parks and Recreation Commissioner Needed

The City of Cheboygan is currently seeking to fill Commissioner vacancies for the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is an advisory commission that makes recommendations to the City Manager, Recreation Director and City Council concerning the recreation and park needs of the City. They also prepare, consider, and approve a parks and recreation master plan. In addition, the Commission may choose to fundraise for the parks system, including research and recommendations on grant applications. The Commission may not submit grant applications or receive grants funds without consent of City Council. Meetings for the Parks and Recreation Commission are typically held the third Wednesday of every other month beginning at 5:00pm. The applicant must live within the Cheboygan Area School District.

If you feel you could be an asset to this board, please complete the City’s Board and Commission Application available at City Hall or on our website (download the application here) and return to the City Clerk’s office at 403 N. Huron Street, Cheboygan MI, 49721. The application can also be mailed to PO Box 39, Cheboygan MI, 49721 or emailed to For more information, please call City Hall at 231-627-9931.


Posted on January 14th, 2025 in Announcements.